If you qualify certain criteria you can get a free Typing Certificate also. So you can analyze what are the characters and words you have typed wrong during test, you can do targeted practice for erroneous characters to improve your typing skill.Ġ9. Along with typing score in terms of speed and accuracy a complete analysis of your Hindi typing skill will be displayed on screen like - How many words and characters you have typed, details of various typed of errors you have made during test. After completion of time or you click on result button, you will see test score in Net Word Per Minute and Accuracy in percentage.Ġ8. As you typed a word and press space bar, the word highlighter will moves to next word.Ġ7. As you press first key from keyboard your test countdown timer will start.Ġ6. You will see the passage to be typed appear on upper side of screen and the first word is highlighted in Green color.Ġ5. Now select passage from drop down list above or paste your own passage (your passage must be typed in Krutidev/Devlys font) and click on 'Start Test' button.Ġ4. Now select desired time duration like 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, or 30 minutes.Ġ3. You should sit in the right posture on the computer before start typing test.Ġ2.